Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. This is Jonathan Satovsky of Satovsky Asset Management.
Today’s video blog is on the concept of The Gap and The Gain. A good friend and strategic coach, Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy wrote a fantastic book called The Gap and The Gain.
In The Declaration of Independence, our wonderful Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Why did he write the pursuit of happiness? Why didn’t he say the expansion of happiness? Did he assume we were all miserable, and we had this impossible to achieve ideal of happiness?
The pursuit is all about The gap and the gain. I, like many people, fall into the gap, maybe 5, 10 times a day, not measuring up to the ideal version of who we want to be in life. Not enough money, not a big enough house, not the best relationship, not the right weight, not the right outfit, whatever it is.
But happiness comes from measuring the gain. How can you celebrate progress versus perfection? Progress of being a better version of yourself that’s imperceptible to the invisible eye. In fact, if you are 1% better, 1% better every quarter for 25 years, you’re 100% different person in 25 years. Ponder that on your own journey to finding the gain over the gap in your pursuit of wisdom, wealth, and wellness.
Have a great day.