What is the response of how people feel post-election?
You know, there is a very good visual chart of Republicans and Democrats. When a Democrat gets elected, people’s optimism about the economy is through the roof, and Republicans are on the floor, thinking it’s the worst time ever. And vice versa. Now that Trump has been elected, the Republicans are super optimistic and Democrats are very pessimistic about the four years ahead.
That wavering is how people feel. Is it a reality? No.
History is neutral, whether a Republican or Democrat is in office and we’ve been fortunate in America to have checks and balances that lead to a vibrant, adaptable society, and humans are able to constantly create, recreate, innovate, and adapt to the circumstances.
Will there be disruption? Unquestionably.
So, the initial response has been very boomy for financial assets, but often times the first response isn’t necessarily what plays out over time. So, let’s be stoic or indifferent and realize that capitalism as a whole is intent on creating inflation to move things forward, and to progress society and community in a positive way.
OK, so simple planning idea:
Have enough liquidity, like Buffett does, to be able to relax and be calm when other people are being greedy and perhaps be a little greedy when others are fearful.
Think about that on your path to Wisdom, Wealth, and Wellness.
Have a great day.